Field Notes 📘
General notes and wandering. Sometimes personal, sometimes prescriptive. Mostly empirical. The practice is inspired from the now page by Derek Sivers.
Self Esteem Equation (2021-10-25)
The equation that helps define expectations
Run and Life (2021-10-25)
Running as living
This is not home (2021-10-25)
Notes on why some places are home and some not
Hobbies and Work (2021-10-25)
Notes on burning out on hobbies and strategies to prevent them
Girish's Five Fs (2021-11-22)
Important things to consider in life
How to use Ably with Nuxt.js (2022-04-14)
A quick tip on how to get Nuxt and Ably talking
How to use Deta with Nuxt.js (2022-04-10)
A quick tip on how to get Nuxt and Deta talking
Getting by until I get it.